There were a number of things that separated Donruss from Topps and Fleer (and later Score and Upper Deck). First, as Evan points out, they gave the full name of every player, so you could see that Roy Smalley really was Roy Smalley, Jr. (something you'd already know from the Topps father-son cards done periodically, but never while I was collecting cards). Topps did include full names in a few issues during the Fifties and Sixties, which was really great with players referred to by nicknames on the front of

Another thing that Donruss did that the other

I’ve been giving it a lot of thought, and I think I’ve come up with some kind of break down of what each card company stood for. Topps was as American as a wood-paneled basement; it transcended the hobby. If your Dad stopped at the corner store on his way home and thought of you and bought a pack, it was most definitely going to be a pack of Topps. It being Topps brand baseball cards meant more to him as a grown-up reflecting on the hobbies of his youth than it ever could to you as a kid. Some things never change: Coca-Cola, IBM, Ford and Topps. Donruss and Fleer, no matter what your argument may be, were and always have been also-rans (Fleer less so than Donruss). Fleer was Topps’ little brother, the one who’d always try to prove he was cool enough—ever since the early Sixties. Donruss was the kid obsessed with numbers and computers, the one who saw beauty in facts, figures and statistics. Fleer always seemed to have a subconsciously soft edge to it, all rounded edges and brightness (a lot of white through the years), whereas with Donruss, it always felt like the cards were prepared by a mad mathematician intent on keeping thorough utilitarian statistics and couldn’t really give a shit about photography or design (as long as it had a futuristic, computer graphics appeal).
Pack 2

2. Candy Maldonado Well, I’ll tell you this: I’m happy it’s not Speier. I’ll also tell you that I never understood the draw of Maldonado. Wait, scratch that last sentence. After consulting the back of his card, it has come to my attention that Candy is short for Candido, which makes him Candido Maldonado, which is totally fantastic. I'd really like to make a comparison to Voltaire's Candide right about now, but Maldonado's career wasn't exactly a series of pratfalls before excelling in the playoffs with the Blue Jays. Nor do I know anything about his mental make-up (that is, if he was especially optimistic in the face of hardship), but I will say this: If I was a grown man and my name was 'Candy', there would be about a 100% chance that I'd either be the star of a real-life Midnight Cowboy or I'd be Candy Maldonado.

4. Rafael Palmeiro Raffy was always a favorite of mine, both because he seemed like a pretty average guy and because he played for perennially awful teams. Like everyone else, it was kind of hard to take watching him defend himself into retirement about steroids. I just ended up feeling bad.

6. Steve Rosenberg Steve Rosenberg. That’s two. There will be more.
7. Mark McLemore Oh Donruss print runs, why do you taunt me so? Even 17 years later, you still get the better of me.
8. Craig Biggio I’m not really mad about this double, because it still counts towards the merits of the pack, which up until now were looking kind of iffy.
9. Jose DeLeon I hate you, Jose DeLeon.
10. Milt Thompson Here’s where things get tricky. It’s hard to say whether the seeding sequence of cards 6 through 9 ends with DeLeon, or if it continues with the rest of the pack. This could set a precedence for Packs 3 through 6, especially if they’re all from the same press run. On Thompson: I always felt kind of bad, that he was going to be on bad teams for his whole career (early Eighties Braves, late Eighties Phils), and he was a pretty good player.

11. Norm Charlton A really boring card of a pitcher I never understood. Is there such a thing as a player having a filler career? There were years when Charlton was good, right? But his career just kind of feels like it happened because it had to have happened to somebody. That last sentence sounds awfully mean, and I know that it takes a lot of perseverance to make it to the big leagues, but still…

12. Chris Brown Nothing like having your photo for the year be one of you checking your swing. What does that say about you as a player? That you’re conscientious? That you maybe didn’t read The Science of Hitting all the way through, but you skimmed part of it when Tony Gwynn was taking a nap?
13. Craig Lefferts I always thought it was risky being in the major leagues and being named Craig. Just ask Craig Nettles. Or was his name Graig Nettles? I honestly don’t know, as most of my knowledge of baseball comes from baseball cards. It’s like your fate is decided by a design student interning for the summer at a card company. You’re lucky if your card comes out without your photo being reversed (just ask Juan Gonzalez or Brian Downing) or of someone else (just ask Carlos Beltran, Barry Bonds and Johnny Ray and Al Leiter), your stats are all right (I can think of at least two instances of stat typos) and they have your position listed correctly (just ask Ryne Sandberg). It’s amazing there weren’t more mistakes.

14. Bob Walk This guy wasn’t that bad. If only he was sporting a mustache in this picture, then he and Drabek could’ve gone out to bars and tried to get women to think they were twins.
15. Andre Dawson Holy crap, it’s Eriq LaSalle from Coming to America! The Hawk was one of my favorite favorites ever. I can’t believe he’s not in the Hall of Fame yet. When he gets in, does he go in as an Expo or a Cub? I think you could make a case either way. Personally, I’d like to see him go in as an Expo, if only to keep the Montreal Expos in baseball forever.

Overall Analysis
It’s a shame this pack was full of doubles from a previous pack, but like assessing a defendant’s guilt during trial, you really can’t take past problems into account. So, as a pack, it’s got a 27% success rate, with 4 good cards out of 15 (Palmeiro, Darling, Biggio and Dawson). Still no Red Sox players, not even Wes Gardner, which is surprising because I remember having about 100 of his card from this set.
First, I love this blog...keep up the good work.
Second, did you ever put together the Donruss Diamond Kings puzzles? I vaguely remember piecing together two of was of Warren Spahn and I believe the other was of Gaylord Perry...I was very happy the day I finished both of them...
I'm waiting to see if you get any Chad Kreuter's. I didn't collect the 1989 Donruss set very much, and yet I recall have about 6 times as many Kreuter's as I had copies of any other card.
Thanks to your Ron Darling reference I can never truly enjoy Fast Times at Ridgemont High again.
Long live The Hawk!
Raffy slept with Sandberg's wife? I did not know this. Tell me more!!
As far as your Milt Thompson reference, he was always a favorite of mine. He did get to play on a pretty good team with the 93 Phils platooning with Pete Incaviglia in left field. So don't totally weep for him.
I had 45 Chris Brown rookies, long before his check swinging days with San diego he was an up and comer with the Giants, well he never up and came and I have stacks of COMMONS to show for it, thanks Chris!
Chad Kreuter was the face of 89 Donruss.
I can't recall actually putting the puzzles together, but I remember pulling them out and saving them and just having stacks of puzzle cards...
My favorite thing about the cards was the acquisition feature. I would flip through my cards just to see the back and read through all of them.
My favorite Donruss nickname on the front w/the full name on the back example is Chipper Jones/Larry Jones. Larry. That always amuses me.
that Charlton card is really boring, but any Mariners fan from the past decade feels a little bit of dread when hearing his name. Of course, he's third all-time on the team's saves list.
He still does a post-game show for the Mariners.
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