December 13, 2008

Casey at the Bat


James B. Anama said...

Bravo Mr. Henry. Bravo.

It has been one awesome ride. And I for one am glad to have gotten on when I did.

Good luck with whatever the future brings for you.


JayBee Anama

NickL said...

Thanks, honestly, for everything. This has been a great site. Good luck.


Captain Canuck said...

an Epic way to bow out Ben.
It's amazing what you've done.

Mark Aubrey said...

Excellent work. Thank you.

gcrl said...

epic is right. thanks!

Anonymous said...

way to drag this out for weeks.
BTW, Hawk for the "FACE GROW" line?
Not Bonds?

cdorso said...

I loved this, start to finish. Thank you.

Carlos said...

Hilarious and amazing. Thanks for your awesome work.

josh Mueller said...

Glad you finished with an 87 Topps!

Anonymous said...

Great job on the cards and on bringing me back to my youth. May your future be as interesting as Garry Templeton's hair.

Rob- AKA "VOTC" said...

Now that is what I call going out in style. Amazing, simply amazing.
Best of luck.

Scott C. said...

I think the others have put it best, an amazing finish. Possibly the best post ever. Thanks for everything. And if you ever get around to writing the next draft of that book, drop me a line.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So amazing. I love this.

Andy said...

This was great, and the Bonds choice at the end was fantastic!

Steve Gierman said...

Excellent ending to a great blog! Very appropriate choices for the cards.

Thank you for three great years.

You (and your excellent blog) will be missed.

~ Steve

Anonymous said...

What a way to go.

Travis M. Nelson said...

Excellent work Ben, always, and this even moreso.

8 said...


I linked to it too:

Jason said...

now ain't that something. a tip of the cap to you sir.

testing thing said...

That is one of the most epic uses of photoshop I have ever seen! It was well done and quite frankly, frigging awesome!

capewood said...


We're all going to miss you. Drop some comments once in a while so we know you're still out there.

BklynSoxFan said...

Extremely clever, guys. A nice way to go out.

Good luck and happy holidays!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic way to end it, Ben. Awesome. Love the Billy Ripken card.

Christian Roy, aka Leroy said...

wow i'm flabergasted. the choice of cards is not innocent like for those rose, mcgwire and bonds one.

really impressive.

Chemgod said...

Ben, thank you for the great years and for inspiring me to start my own blog:

Thanks again Ben you will be missed.


Scott Mortimer said...

Great stuff! Good use of the faux autographs with the poem -- 82 Topps JR Richard! Also like the 88 Fleer Billy FF Ripken card! Thanks for the many hours you must've put toward this project.

Anonymous said...

Ben -- I am finally getting around to making these into a collage and I see there are some dup cards and some missing. Starting from the repeat of the 68 Allen through the Oscar Gamble.

This is That Was Great said...

be sure to post a link here for when the book comes out!

Anonymous said...

This was/is terrific. The poem ain't bad, either, of course!

Dave R said...

Who is the suited gentleman superimposed on the Jeter card giving the hearty wave?

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. Simply Brilliant. I've enjoyed your site immmensely.
Thanks for the ride,
Kerry Frankland

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sociallyawkwardjellyfish said...

This is the most enjoyable card blog post I've ever read! That was brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Come back, Ben. We miss you.

Dean said...

Great Job with Casey at Bat.

IDentityUSA Identity Theft Protection said...

Nice play on the card names, I had never seen anything done with these cards that us collectors would be very familiar with. Nicely done in a funny way :)

Derek said...

Very fun reading. Love the Casey At Bat post.

Daily Freebies said...

Simply awsome!

Thanks for sharing!